The Wandering Monk

Kenneth Clifford

star kenneth clifford

Kenneth Clifford 

El camino, la verdad y la vida


Kenneth Clifford comparte sus experiencias y enseñanzas, enfatizando la importancia de entregarse a Jesús y estar abiertos a la guía.

  • Kenneth enfatiza la necesidad de entregar nuestras vidas a Jesús y estar completamente disponibles para su guía.
  • Comparte experiencias personales de viajes y encuentros con personas, centrándose en el poder del amor y el perdón en todas las interacciones.
  • Kenneth anima a asumir la responsabilidad de nuestros pensamientos y elegir liberarnos de la creencia en la infelicidad.
  • Ofrece consejos sobre cómo enfrentar el miedo y el abuso, enfatizando la necesidad de perdón y un profundo trabajo interno.
  • El enfoque de Kenneth implica confiar en Jesús y estar abiertos al poder transformador del amor y la gratitud.


Kenneth Clifford shares his experiences and teachings, emphasizing the importance of surrendering to Jesus and being open to guidance.

  •  Kenneth emphasizes the need to hand over our lives to Jesus and be fully available for his guidance.
  •  He shares personal experiences of traveling and meeting people, focusing on the power of love and forgiveness in all interactions.
  •  Kenneth encourages taking responsibility for our thoughts and choosing to release the belief in unhappiness.
  •  He offers advice on dealing with fear and abuse, emphasizing the need for forgiveness and deep inner work.
  •  Kenneth’s approach involves relying on Jesus and being open to the transformational power of love and gratitude.

(00:00) cuerto foreign Universe foreign
(01:03) foreign okay people in Georgia
(02:05) is gracias Patricia um I’m not a buddy I’m free as I am as God created me um I place the future in the hands of God welcome to um a universal Course in Miracles a gate of light and a space for inner transformation directly by Jesus and organized thanks to the loving service of brothers and sisters from various
(02:56) countries that in fact are one welcome to enjoy this holy instant for this session we have Marjorie and from Venezuela with the YouTube broadcast and we have Patricia and myself from Colombia Patricia will be our Zoom host for this session and we invite you to turn your cameras on so that you can fully get immersed in
(03:33) this experience uniting yourself with your brothers and sisters strengthening your commitment and so that you can look at yourself in the mirror of God such as you are innocent and free today we welcome Kenneth Clifford from England he’s right now in Georgia close to Russia from he was advised to travel and he has this beautiful
(04:04) um topic for us I am the way the truth and the light thank you Ken the platform is yours oh thank you everyone so lovely to be here with you all is yeah it’s always a pleasure to be speaking on this platform yeah I feel very honored to be able to share the teachings of Jesus de Jesus yeah and maybe some don’t know me
(04:57) and so my life is not my own and I travel around where Jesus sends me Jesus yeah I haven’t worked in seven years maybe longer eight years say it again please I haven’t worked in eight years foreign [Music] and everything is completely and only taken care of without exception yeah and I think that’s kind of fitting for
(05:52) this talk today yes because Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life [Music] and I am with you always Contigo so this means that you are the way the truth and the life is yeah and so our our job here is to hand our life fully over to Jesus de Jesus and to be completely available for him and so he says in lesson 71
(06:58) um the salvation of the world depends on me only got no no it’s only God’s plan for salvation will work Exeter and he says where would you have me go yes what would you have me say and to whom and when you do that yeah Jesus teaches and I need do nothing section is you’ll be sent on many busy doings
(07:56) foreign you have a lot of light to share you are the gift the world is waiting for Tu it is yeah and so for me he sends me everywhere la OS all corners of the universe yes and this comes through guidance foreign and Jesus is guiding us all Jesus whether you believe in Jesus or not he is guiding you
(08:58) say okay because he loves us all okay and so maybe I’ll share about my last um trip this trip that I’m on entrances I’ve been I’m speaking with my friend in Georgia for two and a half years history Amigo this is but we never met it was all online and so she’d been praying is and she heard the guidance I must invite
(09:58) Ken to Georgia yeah there is [Music] Georgia and before this I’d been praying yeah this and the entrance and I had no clue what my summer was going to look like this year is but I knew that Jesus had a plan for me so I don’t plan anything I don’t I don’t put on gatherings I don’t plan retreats [Music]
(10:55) they everything literally comes to me so this one day my friend she messages me and I’m in America at this time um I’m in it I I was in America at this time in America and she’s and she said can we have a call and it was 6 a.m in the morning for me and I said yes I’m available now is so we had a call
(11:54) and she said I’m here in the guidance to invite you to Georgia Georgia Jesus told me to invite you Jesus yeah so I said wow that’s wonderful and she shared all of her joy around the guidance that she’d received yes and excitement and she shared for about half an hour yes and then she said how do you feel
(12:47) empress so I closed my eyes and I and I began to cry and my whole mind was completely blank ETS there were no thoughts whatsoever in absolutely just just emotion emotion and I um once I’d finished crying I opened my eyes and looked out the window at my mountains in front of me um and all the mountains and the trees
(13:45) turned gold Dorados and I was struck by all I couldn’t talk because my jaw was on the floor look at me me um and eventually I came out of that state ment Supreme [Music] and I said well Jesus must really want this to happen is so we ended the call foreign and I would have to fly from Mexico to Georgia
(14:46) Georgia so I spoke to my friend David Hofmeister again and he said why don’t you ask some friends in Europe uh tell them that you’re put that that you can stop off in Europe and then you can go on to Georgia Georgia Georgia yeah and then he said from Georgia you could call back home to the UK see your
(15:27) mum and dad and come back to the UK I mean to Mexico so I’ll set that sounds like a good idea so I put out a few invites and say it again so I I I I sent out a few invites on my phone is and all I said was I’m possibly coming to Europe on the 22nd of June heart um and within five hours I was invited to do three retreats
(16:29) to nine different countries differences and I and and I had um 13 invites to different people’s houses to stay at de Amigos so I thought wow there’s lots happening here and I haven’t even put anything out on um social media yet so I put a post out on social media I am underlying foreign and then I got 40 invites
(17:29) 40 14 40. invitations and um and Gatherings all around Europe yeah within a week and um then a friend messaged me time she said can we have a call foreign clado and and she got onto the she got onto the call and she said I I need to do this now she was shaking and she said Jesus is telling me to
(18:35) donate all the money for all your flights Jesus and I need to send the money to you to help you with your trip is so now the whole Trip’s paid for I think is I’m gonna be in Europe and I’m going to be going to Georgia yesterday in Georgia so I prayed to Jesus and I said Jesus I I don’t like Logistics
(19:30) and I said I’m sorry you prayed to Jesus and you did I said I don’t like Logistics planning Jesus I said you’re gonna have to plan this for me for me he said no problem no problem he he pla he planned five weeks in Holland cinco semanas in Orlando and I just said yes to all of the Gatherings and then I had
(20:20) um five different people ring me up um and they said I want to drive you wherever you need to go you mean so I thought wow this I can’t I can’t sit in five cards at once I think I’ve been saying so I thought hmm maybe we should all live together so I said um all you five want to um travel with me amigo
(21:11) does anyone have a house in Holland where we can all live together for the five weeks is and one lady said yes you can all stay with me Amigas just outside Amsterdam a story so so for the last five weeks I was trying we were driving around Holland in Orlando doing Catherines every weekend is spontaneous Gatherings during the week
(22:09) online and in person is [Music] spontaneous and I never planned a thing Nara I just had to turn up I solo and this one time I I turn up at this large house and she has this large front room is and I sit right at the end say it again I sit right up the end is Perfecto and the doors at the other end
(23:12) is and I’m just sitting there in prayer and all these people just keep appearing and for me it was like Christmas Day wow all of these brothers have come to save me yeah and I could feel the celebration in my Heart of Jesus and this is all I did for five whole weeks yesterday I don’t plan I don’t plan what I’m gonna
(24:12) say either foreign and then we just see where Jesus wants to take us is because Jesus will answer everyone and that has nothing to do with me yes that has nothing to do with reading the Course in Miracles that has nothing to in planning a gathering nothing on if you want Jesus to come he will come El bindra
(25:13) and and if I’m doing gatherings like this if you want Jesus to come now momento he is available and it’s up to you whether you want to accept that yes it’s up to you in this moment is whether you want to accept or no that you are the way the truth and the life is and to experience his love and know that whatever needs to be
(26:09) answered okay is already answered yes fully you can literally live above the Battleground and as Jesus teaches if you be a miracle worker for me I will arrange time and space for you the organization for your Awakening as he says be in the world but not of the world
(27:10) is we don’t have to focus on the form osuke we have to focus our mind on him yeah and he will use the form yes to awaken you from the dream and when you say yes and undo the door to Jesus a Jesus he will send all the brothers to you to wake you up so I need a lot of convincing in terms is
(28:13) and that’s why I have to go around meeting everybody and because clearly I’m so forgetful porque is that he has to send all these brothers to me yes I mean to remind me who I am soy and that’s really the only that’s our life is that everybody is coming for you and they are literally coming just to share their love with you
(29:14) is no matter of the circumstance circumstances and it’s literally just our job to see with the Holy Spirit [Music] and whatever is not that we can completely let go of and so when we step out of our comfort zone is and we have no home we have we don’t know where money is coming from el dinero we don’t know where food’s
(30:08) coming from [Music] we have to really pray ER we have to stay focused on him yeah and so it’s like when when we stay in this comfort zone yeah he can’t show us who we are songs because it’s like as if we think that we know where the Miracles need to be okay there was once a nun is
(31:08) her name was Sister Claire foreign [Music] and she said every day I give a blank check to Jesus Jesus and say this day is fully yours I have no idea what is meant to be for the greater good is but you bring everything to me to convince me that I’m loved beyond measure mentation and so Jesus needs to use the form
(32:14) to show us that we’re loved evidence and then we let it go and he keeps sending us all these opportunities foreign yeah and so that’s what he’s doing literally every day with every person yes and for me what I love about traveling I get to meet people who don’t do A
(33:16) Course in Miracles um and I always get the question is but what do I do with my friends who don’t believe in A Course in Miracles Amigos can on or what do I do with my family who doesn’t believe in A Course in Miracles and I say Jesus is not interested in who does the course of Miracles and who doesn’t do the course of Miracles
(34:02) Jesus he’s only interested in unconditional love and so when I go around I don’t talk to everybody about A Course in Miracles and I meet so many people Gente and then a shift starts to happen within them [Music] and they have no idea what’s going on but they just start to get happier so I’m a new friend
(35:04) Amigos he was okay with the spiritual but he wasn’t completely into it is and um I I saw him over the course of the five weeks and he never came to any of my Gatherings until the last one and we had small conversations about everyday life and each time I saw him he kept getting happier and happier and happier
(36:01) Feliz until it got to near the end and he said to me um I’d like to come to the last Gathering and I said wonderful and this one particular evening in particular we set up till 1am um and he told me all about his life [Music] and you could say he felt depressed you could say and so I said to him it’s really about
(37:00) purpose and the word purpose really sang to his heart and he said I want to do everything in purpose he said I want to truly come from my heart yeah and then he said to me you believe in Jesus don’t you and he said I don’t believe in spiritual people he said I can’t understand that
(38:01) so and he said do I have to put do I have to believe do I have to believe in spiritual people there are no spiritual people I said everything is just a symbol for your own mind instrumental and if you resonate with Buddha or light or whatever you use any symbols you wish ES yeah and he said okay thank you
(38:50) gracias so that night we finished up so is [Music] and he went he was going to bed and he thought to himself you know what I’ve never I’ve never he said I’ve I’ve meditated but I’ve never prayed to anyone so he said I’m going he said I’m gonna give it a shot I see goodie he said I’m gonna pray to everyone
(39:37) so he said Jesus I call upon you Jesus all the saints I call upon you Todo Los Santos or my ancestors told me some ancestrous I pray to the whole universe to help me sat there is and nothing happened so we had another guy so what so yet and nothing happened so we thought I’m gonna have one more go
(40:40) and then I’m giving up is he had one more go um he was just about to give up foreign came right into his heart is and he was experiencing light and love in his heart and he could hardly breathe is and he said I felt completely alive and the experience ended and he was very grateful
(41:41) but then he thought to himself if I’ve done this once I can do it again so he closed his eyes and The Light Came again oh my God this is incredible he said God is real so the next day he shared this experience with me and then when I left for Georgia Georgia he sent me this email I’m going to read it to you is
(42:43) hi Kenneth hope you are doing well there in Georgia in Georgia I just want to say again how grateful I feel that you showed up in this crazy period in my life I was so looking for some form of guidance and I hardly knew where to start is I knew I knew one thing though after I had to let go of so many things
(43:49) over the past two years this time I absolutely wanted to make sure that whatever I started I started it for the right reasons correct and sincere and real I guess what I was still looking for was a way to really tell the difference while looking for answers I tried looking out I tried looking in but there
(44:45) was one place I had not ever looked ever before mirando and the one place I hadn’t looked was up somehow I didn’t allow myself to yeah [Music] that has changed now foreign thank you for introducing me to it all and showing me the way to this amazing body of endless wisdom and truth and light is it really feels like I have actually
(45:48) found the way to tap into it all and receive the help I was so looking for in real life I just wanted to let you know that the change you saw in me seems like it might be permanent is Permanente I know now that living my life without the light of God you’re saying and laughing hahaha I can’t believe I’m actually calling it
(46:43) this now oh let’s say a god godly power gamos is just feels empty to me Opera Mini I also feel like somewhere inside I have known this all along all right all the best over there and I wish you all the light and love on your way until we meet again sometime so it’s God is in all of our lives
(47:44) yeah we don’t have to convince anyone of anything we just have to be really really true to ourselves and not compromise our love and not compromise our life Vida and within that everything begins to transform around you yes when you want only healing you will see only healing when you expect miracles go see only
(48:48) miracles and that literally goes for everybody [Music] everyone around you wants to experience this without exception is only the idea of separate ones doing separate things and we forget to see the equality in everyone is we forget to say the sameness and we can easily dismiss these holy encounters
(49:47) I’m forgetting that we have so much joy to bring us and this isn’t about getting people to Practice A Course in Miracles [Music] this is simply about sharing the love that you are is and when you become available everything is attracted to the light is so for example I was I was sitting outside the other day
(50:46) and this friend he had very little English and this friend sorry this friend he couldn’t speak English very well yes and I said where are you from there is and he said I’m from Iran images so I got on my Google translate as Jesus Jesus and I got up the Persian language [Music] and we began to talk and it started as a normal conversation
(51:46) yes and he said he he buys properties around the world [Music] and he said where do you live I said I don’t live anywhere God takes care of me foreign and I said God’s love is real is real and he was so humble yeah and he said will you teach me ideas I said of course and I said I said God is already with
(52:46) you you’re living and he said really and I said well I can fulfill your kind heart is and your kindness is everything estoyo and kindness as it is of god is keep being kind and you will find God adios and he said Thank you thank you gracias gracias and literally wherever you go Jesus is sending the ones to you
(53:42) Jesus Jesus to share this love is do you have A Course in Miracles there do you have a Spanish one are brilliant all right can we do um lesson 315. 00 yes 15. August my brothers give belong to me um we’ll read sentence by sentence all gifts my brothers give belong to me
(54:47) each day a thousand Treasures come to me with every passing moment s I am blessed with gifts throughout the day in value far beyond all things of which I can conceive so I’m so even this is a brother Smiles upon another and my heart is gladdened a someone speaks a word of gratitude or mercy and my mind receives this gift and
(55:45) takes it as its own propropion and everyone who finds the way to God becomes my savior pointing out the way to me and giving me his certainty that what he learned is surely mine as well I thank you Father for the many gifts that come to me today and every day from every Son of God is my brothers are Unlimited in all their
(56:47) gifts to me Los Freddy’s now may I offer them my thankfulness that gratitude to them may lead me on to my Creator and his memory yes so maybe we can just take a moment and take that in tense [Music] thank you [Music]
(57:48) [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign
(59:18) [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
(1:00:24) foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
(1:01:27) [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you Jesus Jesus thank you for reminding us that our
(1:02:30) brothers are Our Saviors [Music] salvadores yeah just to know that everyone here is your savior and our only job is to share our gratitude and our thankfulness for our brothers and to see past all of our false perceptions foreign from our one mind is and as Jesus teaches you will see the
(1:03:32) light in your brother first primero and then you will see the light in your own mind and say everyone in South America has a beautiful start to their day [Music] to go and share their light results with everyone you meet today for God for Jesus and the Holy Spirit Santo yeah for coming to rescue our hearts
(1:04:34) foreign s so we can share that with the universe so that’s what I wish for your day today and all my other friends in Europe we have a relaxing evening in deep prayer being thankful for Jesus Jesus there’s always something to be thankful for so thank you everyone
(1:05:34) sending you all my love mi amor know that you are a miracle worker is and you have such a beautiful gift to offer is don’t hold your love back love really Mama love holy in totalida and love fearlessly this thank you thank you much gracias thank you Ken for this inspiring session thank you so much thank you for your invite I am so
(1:06:35) blessed gracias yeah it’s so nice to be with all my Spanish-speaking Brothers Amigos Espanol so I’m the one that’s very grateful so on your story [Music] thank you gracias is [Music] showing her heart production um would you have a few minutes for questions absolutely yeah let’s do some questions Bueno okay
(1:07:36) um [Music] has a question gracias and depression is tubo la persona que Char lastes okay Odilia says I have I have been feeling depression for the last three
(1:08:39) years so I’m not sure it I I if the way to the way out is through purpose similar to the situation you mentioned continue um and I I want to feel that this piece and this love can be permanent I want to give my happiness to love go ahead again yeah and he is and normally she spends three years
(1:09:51) sorry three days without any energy and then this is how she’s experiences life is out of three days I have one day without energy response okay yeah okay wonderful so Jesus Jesus teaches us Jesus he says the first thing you must recognize is [Music] that you don’t want to be happy yes and then you can start to look at that
(1:10:51) and it’s like this is an absolute choice in the mind memente Jesus is teaching us to take full responsibility for our mind is [Music] and to see the false is false um so he says anything that’s not of God is false you know this is so he says he says it’s impossible for you to be unhappy but you believe in unhappiness is
(1:11:52) so he says that’s where we must work so he says I want you to really look at this idea of being unhappy and he wants you to take it right back to your mind and get to the point today well you can see that this is a choice to decision so we have to put our hand up and say I am choosing to be miserable
(1:12:52) I’m choosing to be tired and I am choosing to be depressed yeah and and this is my choice and now we’re going to see whether you want to choose something different and the other choice is Jesus is Grace do you you don’t have to do anything to change he tells us just to be aware of what we’re doing what we’re choosing
(1:13:47) is so he is saying to you right you are making this decision for depression is Tuesday premiere and he says I want you to really really feel that you know this is [Music] and ask yourself do you really really want this and say it again and and and and find out if you really really want this is and once you say your final no to it
(1:14:37) you know it is it will completely leave you yes often on so often on the spiritual journey um we think we’re supposed to be happy but Jesus teaches it’s releasing the blocks to the awareness of Love’s presence is so the way to wake up is to release all of the guilt in your mind
(1:15:37) is and to say that it’s not true so Jesus is in the background laughing his head off at you Jesus [Music] when you tell him you’re depressed he finds it so funny it’s like a comedy to him is but all the time you believe in it he says okay you can keep it um [Music] but when you’re ready you can let go of
(1:16:34) this childish toy and give it to me with me thank you she’s happy you’ve got a really in space so thank you gracias thank you for your willingness yeah thank you for your love amor we know who you are yeah you can’t fool us no question love you yeah um
(1:17:44) okay King we have um pledge for help via YouTube so Patricia is going to read it and I will translate it for you Patrice Jasmine this is so Jasmine says can you give me some some advice on how to overcome Fear To Fly I have to go on a on a 12 hour flight thank you well the only the only flight that I
(1:18:37) need to take me down um is with Jesus Jesus and all I need to do is to take his hand and say Jesus I really really need your help Jesus I need you to fly with me conmigo you teach me that fear isn’t real okay okay and this is really really putting the teachings to the really really practicing the teachings
(1:19:31) yeah and this is saying okay he’s actually given you this opportunity of the flight opportunity to see that there is nothing to fear America once this actually happened to me is I had my book I was on the plane yeah and I got scared Adam and I put my hand on the book [Music] and I said please Jesus give me a lesson
(1:20:21) election he gave me one of the shortest lessons in the book s and as I turned open the book I landed on lesson 48 um there is nothing to fear okay [Laughter] and I read that lesson so I reckon this lesson is going to be for you is and in that lesson it’s very very simple all day
(1:21:26) and they say repeat as much as you can there is nothing to fear s so if he did that for me I know that he can do it for you she Jesus and I’m going to let you into a little secret is not the fear of flying that you fear less fear of love is and I know that love is behind this is so together we’re all praying for you
(1:22:23) we expect miracles big miracles to change your mind and the day of your flight when you wake up [Music] Jesus will be with you Jesus and his love will guide you all of the way through this is a guarantee yeah and you can come back and you can share the miracle with us yeah and just know that all of us are
(1:23:23) going to be flying with you yeah there is and you will have your lesson there is nothing to fear is and this is actually about your deepening with your relationship with Jesus we must rely on his mind [Music] not our own [Music] so this is the perfect opportunity to really get down on our knees and so Jesus show me another way
(1:24:17) so know that we love you um and we are with you all of the way [Music] and we share all our blessings for you Contigo thank you gracias okay she’s Patricia says thank you so much Ken yeah there’s another uh
(1:25:19) question yeah is being written yep for us let me see in the Chant um there are lots of gratefulness messages for you it’s uh the last one says wonderful moment thank you beloved Master for your healing words thank you thank you someone said I want to ask something that the person hasn’t written the question yet
(1:26:19) so there are many messages saying thank you Ken oh thank you gracias tennis is uh she just read the question but the question is not clear basically the question is if you are abused and by practicing forgiveness so it’s kind of contradictory so but this is asking the person to clarify the question
(1:27:21) and in the meantime more messages saying thank you Ken thank you ah okay if you are being abused out of worship I continue allowing abuse out of forgiveness or with the argument of forgiveness shall I continue allowing abuse being abused um well the Abu abuse and the abuser need one another they say
(1:28:14) yeah so what needs to be forgiven is the ideas in the mind is [Music] the idea that I can be abused and the idea that there can be an abuser is without one they cannot exist foreign this world is the belief in abuse is Jesus says this world was made in height is and so the ego will act out these things
(1:29:14) say it again and so the the ego will act out these things within a world yeah so our job is just to forgive the thoughts in our own mind is yeah you’re not forgiven what happens you’re forgiving the false beliefs in your own mind is yeah because it’s all about a body identity yeah and in one part he says you really
(1:30:10) believe that another body can touch another body and this is simply false perception so if this it doesn’t mean say that you have to stay in this situation and forgive it is yeah it might it might mean that you need to leave that situation yeah but you will still need to forgive the thoughts in the mind
(1:30:58) foreign because for example I used to be a psychotherapist s and you hear this all the time yes I went from one abusive relationship and then I ended up in another way and then there’s a line of a line of abusive relationships foreign but the ego is abuse the ego is abusive
(1:31:59) is and so for me when I’ve seen these patterns in my mind I had to really look at the belief in being abused foreign and the belief in being an abuser foreign we’ve all played both of those roles complete Los Angeles because the egos game is guilt La culpa yeah so when we’re being abused
(1:33:02) we’re guilty cuando it’s almost guilty is and without without the idea of abuse it cannot exist existence so we have to we have to take this back fully into our minds foreign you take both of them back okay no not really Samos you’re generating both of them because there’s nothing outside of your
(1:34:04) mind and then you forgive the whole thing is yeah so it’s it’s it’s a very it’s a very very deep process is and all of us have experienced that on some level s but we really have to go into it so deeply to see the falsity within it is and equally it’s not to misuse the idea of forgiveness is if you’re in a very dangerous situation
(1:35:07) and this keeps happening over and over again abuse then you need to leave but you will still need to do the Forgiveness work that I just shared with you yeah because may maybe it just can’t be healed in the way that you want it to be healed in in the form so maybe it’s a new direction that needs to happen
(1:35:59) and don’t says Direction for forgiveness to happen yeah so just know that we’re all praying with you and we hand this fully over to Jesus Jesus we let go of all of our ideas of what forgiveness is El perdon we like of all our ideas of what the answer might be is and we hand it fully to him Jesus [Music]
(1:36:51) and let him delete the way to True forgiveness he said he he says in the course he says um you um you have been practicing forgiveness is but the one thing you haven’t asked is how do I forgive is so we have an idea of what forgiveness is okay and we actually and we actually don’t know so he says it’s better to say show me
(1:37:42) forget show me what forgiveness is preguntame so that’s what we pray for you yeah we want a real answer to this a true answer and he will answer you Jesus thank you gracias contact [Music] [Music] [Music]
(1:38:45) Patricia says right now um via YouTube it has been shared your information and the way they can find out all your teachings and what you have on your what you have online for all of us so thank you Ken urine thank you that’s very kind of you gracias and ask it actually asks if in that information there will be a way to
(1:39:29) contact you from them is available lastly see information is um Cincinnati [Music] thank you thank you thank you Ken
(1:40:30) thanks to your witnessing these truths with us we have been inspired in this session thank you so much Ken and thanks to lesson three one five we are happy we are inspired with all the gifts we received from our brothers and sisters thank you Ken oh thank you everyone yeah much love many blessings and many miracles
(1:41:05) foreign