Today’s session will be very relaxed. So you can sit back and enjoy the moment. That’s the most important thing because I really haven’t many words. Sometimes words can’t convey how I feel, or what’s really happening.
This morning my friend, Lisa and I came together she was super excited about the section from A Course in Miracles called “The Little Garden.” She asked if I would like to listen to it and meditate together. So we sat and we listened. It’s in chapter 18 if you want to listen to it too. It was just so beautiful. After we had listened Lisa was sharing, “Oh my God this is what we’re doing! This is everything!”
So I was joining with a friend. He’s completely and utterly brand new to A Course in Miracles. He listened to David once on a retreat and every word was just penetrating him and he was just like, “Oh my God this is just amazing, I have to come.” So, he asked to come to la Casa de Milagros and we said yes and he came. He didn’t even have A Course in Miracles book and I had two so I was like, “There you go there’s a book for you.”
Friend: “What do you do if the present moment isn’t offering you much?”
Ken; “What do you mean?”
Friend: “I’ve just broken up with my girlfriend so I’m thinking about her and I’m also thinking about the future of what I’m gonna do so it seems like right now that the present moment doesn’t offer me anything.”
Ken: “Well the present moment is offering you everything; There’s a gift waiting for you but it’s just whether you choose to accept the gift or not.
Friend: “Really?”
Ken: “Well yeah because let’s face it your girlfriend isn’t here now so that’s really not serving you in that way and the future’s not happening. So we can hypothesize about anything we want, but it’s not actually here. So this very moment is where everything’s happening- it has to be. It has to be here and now so this has to be the gift and you have to be willing to find that gift inside of you.”
Then the next morning I saw him I said, “Hey, how did you get on?” and he said, “Well I felt a lot better because I wasn’t thinking about the past and I wasn’t thinking about the future. I said “very good, very very good.” and he said, “yeah and then I had this joining with Lisa in the kitchen and she said that was okay.” I said “Well that’s not what I got told. I got told it was a very profound talk.” Then we just started sort of going over what was expressed and I was just feeling the gift from that. I was like, “Oh my God it’s just such a gift and you’re sharing that with me now and this is such a beautiful beautiful moment that we’re sharing and then he was just like, “You’re right.”
I said, “You have to see it in this moment that everything is being provided, that everything is being given in this very moment. That’s all you need and this is wonderful that we’re here and now and he’s like, “You’re right, you’re right” and he just started getting happier and happier and I think that’s just what we’re really doing in this garden.
In Jesus’ garden, the little garden, Jesus is saying, “Hey come and join me in the beautiful garden of the holy instant where it’s all here and now.” It’s not something that you have to wait for or that you have to even try to achieve. You, you’re entitled to rest in the garden.
I think it’s this sort of idea of trying to attain something or that it’s going to be in the future that eludes us. But we are in the garden now and that’s what the teachings were this morning coming through Jesus for us to remember- that it’s just completely and utterly here.
I was reading the other day and I went into the room to see Lisa and I said, did you know that the symbol of the resurrection is joy and she said, “No! I didn’t know that.” I said, “Well it is, it’s in chapter 11.
Resurrection must compel your allegiance gladly because it is the symbol of joy. –T-11.VI.6.
She went, “You’ve got to be kidding me” and I said, “No I’ve just read it!” So she said, “Okay let’s find it.” So we found that and Jesus says, yes the symbol of resurrection is joy. I said, “That’s all I’m interested in that’s what I’m doing here and that’s the only thing that we need to do and that’s the only thing I need to worry about is joy.”
It’s like everything is just waiting for that and that’s what I just keep seeing. That’s all I keep hearing from A Course in Miracles now is just joy. That’s what it is. It’s just so funny that I couldn’t see that before and that’s what I love about A Course in Miracles. It’s like these gifts, it is real. This letting go is real. It’s completely real.
This seeming “let go” in my mind, it seems like there are more things coming in, but there are not. It’s not really for me. It’s kind of funny to say that. It’s like it’s everything! It’s just for everything and that’s what it feels like it’s like this just gift is all for me just to remember who I am. Just to remember my true identity.
David (Hoffmeister) you were sharing last night in the series, Mexican Dynasty, we’re all Humpty Dumpty, and the self-concept is just falling off the wall and we’ve just got to let it crack and that’s what it seems like. This next phase is for everyone. It has to be that we’re all just finally in the great surrender. It’s just, “Okay I need not do anything.”
It all can be revealed to me. The great plan can be revealed to me and this puppet can be moved and I don’t have to feel responsible for anything. I can’t be responsible for anything. It is impossible.
It’s like somehow what I feel is, it’s like the past is really dropping away. It’s like when you’re in the car and you’re driving around and you’ve sort of gone around you’ve got lost and then eventually you realize that you’ve got to take a new road.
It’s impossible to continue going that way.
It’s like everything is pointing you to the right path.
It’s like no matter what you try and do you can’t get off the right road.
It’s like, no it’s this way!
It’s so obvious and it’s like if I try to seemingly deviate it’s like being on stabilizers on your bike. It’s like when you’re a child and it feels like you’re gonna fall. But you’re like, “Oh my God! Thank God I’ve still got these stabilizers on because they’re really really helpful.” So you can still go really fast and have a lot of fun and the stabilizers are there and it’s like that’s what it feels like at the moment.
The stabilizers are like Jesus, the Holy Spirit and it’s like you can’t not go anywhere. Because they’re just gonna hit the ground for you. “Okay, here I am thank God for that.” You have that little feeling in your stomach as if you’re gonna fall but you’re like, “Ahhh I’m still good.” That’s what it feels like at the moment. That it is absolutely impossible to go in the wrong direction.
So it’s like that strength. Like he says, “going through the eye of the needle.” It’s like you can only go that way. It just seems to be impossible and there’s no other option. There’s no other option at all really. I can’t even possibly think of any other options than what’s happening now. That’s a true gift.
That’s a true gift that there’s nothing else tonight that I want other than what’s happening now. There’s nothing else for me whatsoever and that’s wonderful.
I think that’s what you were talking about last night, David. (David Hoffmeister Humpty Dumpty talk) If you’re wanting to get something from the world or making a concept of yourself within the world, it is so tiring. That’s what the episode in Mexican Dynasty was showing. The one person he’s trying to have a career and then there are a lot of arguments as to how that should look and then decisions around it and it just feels extremely heavy. I was sitting there feeling so blessed like, “Oh my God there’s no more striving in that way whatsoever.”
So it just feels so beautiful just to let go. I think it’s so beautiful like we are so fooled on this journey to be this sacrifice. It’s almost like every time we do a
talk on anything it’s like someone wants to put their hand up and say, “Yeah but what about the sacrifice?” and it becomes more and more hilarious to even think that it is a sacrifice. Truthfully it’s like when are you going to get yourself into the state of mind that this is not a sacrifice like what you’re doing is a sacrifice you are sacrificing yourself and you are hurting yourself in trying to keep up appearances.
When you start to go in this direction seemingly each sort of “let go” is like, “Wow, why did I think that was going to be so difficult?” That’s what’s happened to me every single time and that is what this seems to be now. This next sort of surrender. Like, “Wow why was I holding on so tight to that last rung?” You know, why was I like, “Ah it’s a sacrifice” when it’s okay, that was easy and then you’re into the next place.
So it’s it is so funny that everything is being offered and yet we continue to say, “But what about sacrifice? What am I going to lose from this?” You’re going to lose everything because there’s nothing! You have nothing. There’s nothing here for you. It’s completely desolate. You have to really want something that’s true, something that’s alive to become alive. That’s what I want and that’s what I see, everything becomes more alive. That’s the gift of this but we can choose to be in this sacrificial thinking if we wish but it’s very very painful, to say the least.
So I just feel like this time for all of us somehow is this deep surrender going on. It’s just here waiting for us and it always has been and this peace is completely and always here. That’s just what’s been happening to me. Every time I close my eyes I think I’m going to be here for the next three hours because I can’t move. Like no, there is nothing else to do and in that, everything is being handled you know. Why I am really really being taken care of. Seemingly I’ve got a lot of things to do but yet everything’s being taken care of it’s like the Taoists say, “Join the flow of life” There’s a natural flow. I never quite got that. It’s like that how I saw Taoism in the beginning on my spiritual journey. I thought oh this sounds really cool but it’s a bit simple isn’t it? That’s what I thought. I thought, I can’t work this one out it’s just too simple.
Do you mean there’s a flow of life and I just jump into the flow and everything flows in that? Yeah!
Okay that’s too simple let’s make this a bit harder. It can’t be that easy.
As you come along, it’s like, “No there must be some deeper teachings here. That’s what I thought. I thought this isn’t very deep these teachings, are they? It’s a bit simple and I think probably that’s what you found on your journey David. It’s like, God it’s just so simple! That’s just the joke that I’ve found from all of this. I’m the only one that complicates it.
It’s more like you’re watching the world but you don’t really feel like you have to figure anything out it’s just all given and you don’t have to ponder options. You know that’s draining to ponder hypotheticals you know, “what is this?” and “what about this?” and “what about this?” it’s very draining.
It’s funny yesterday I was sort of praying and I thought, “oh I need to think about what the episode’s gonna be” and as you said I just couldn’t plan. It just wasn’t there and then that’s when I went into this meditation and then I couldn’t get out of that and that’s just where I was. Then it wasn’t until this morning Lisa shared with me the little garden. Then just as I was leaving the room, she said, “And what’s your episode about today?” I just turned around and said, “The little garden” and she’s like, ” Oh my God that’s it!”
So it just happens. It happens in moments.
Many blessings
let’s expect miracles always
love you
View the entire session with Kenneth Clifford and David Hoffmeister :