The Wandering Monk

Kenneth Clifford

star kenneth clifford

Kenneth Clifford 

Prayer for my next travels to Europe


I would like to share my prayer with you all for my upcoming trip to Europe. It’s always good to have the goal up front and have a clear purpose before doing anything as A Course in Miracles teaches.

Going on a tour like this is not quite what you would imagine. It sounds fun and exciting to the ego but the goal is always to leave the world behind and let go of all concepts and remember the truth of who you are It is a time of bringing all darkness up and bringing it to the light. It is a merging into Oneness and letting go of separation. So what’s that going to take to achieve you might ask? As my friend David Hoffmeister would say “it’s going to take everything”  


The only way I feel you can go into a trip like this is to say Holy Spirit bring it on. Our only task here is to awaken from the dream of fear and remember that we are dreaming and allow God’s love to return us to our natural state of being. As Jesus teaches “There is much to do, and we have been long delayed. Accept the holy instant as this year is born, and take your place, so long left unfulfilled, in the Great Awakening.” T-15.XI.10:9-10


The only good use of time is for healing and to allow love to reveal itself to us. So the plan and the road are clear guiding us back to and into the NOW.

When Jesus sends me out like this I take his guidance very seriously because he loves me and he wants me to be supremely happy. He sets the bar super high and is inviting us all to join him in eternal love and happiness. 


As Jesus teaches “I am calling you out of the world” and “There is no world” These are his highest teachings that fear is nothing and only love is real. 


I would like to share Jesus’s prayer for us all. I wish this for you as we join in His love forever

“I desire this holy instant for myself, that I may share it with my brother, whom I love.” 

“It is not possible that I can have it without him, or he without me.

Yet it is wholly possible for us to share it now.” 

“And so I choose this instant as the one to offer to the Holy Spirit, that His blessing may descend on us, and keep us both in peace.” A Course in Miracles A T-18.V.7:3-6 



If you are in Europe or anywhere in the world and feel to reach out to me I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to PM me or use my email 


I love you


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