Christmas is not an event in time that seems to come around yearly. It is a moment-by-moment unfoldment into the heart of Christ. It is a direct experience with who you are. It is the well of light that is forever flowing.
The story tells us that the three wise men followed the star to Bethlehem but this really symbolizes the journey inward to the light. It is a remembrance of the light and wisdom that is being reborn in us in this fresh new moment in which God radiates His Love forever and ever.
Let us not get caught up in stories of past and future events that we call Christmas and come back to the spiritual elevation that is happening right now. It is and always was a moment of transcendence to the top of the tree, to join with the angels and the stars above within the mind of Christ.
It is the remembrance of divine perfection, of pure innocence being born within with every heartbeat of the direct experience of forgiveness. It is seeing the purity in every moment, even in the manger with all the animals and the repelling smells which would seemingly be quite a strong pull to an earthly existence, and yet all that is forgotten in an instant as Christ is born, and the sensory world forgotten in the radiance of the birth of Christ Mind.
The birth is now seen as new life or true Life at One with God that nothing can disturb, as the gentle silence embraces all, as the thought of birth and death are overcome in the still, warm, protection of the Father for His most Holy Child.