Many years ago, whenever I would look at the clock, I would see 4:47pm. This happened many times and the curious thing was that this, 447, is also the number of the house I grew up in. At the time I was living in Mexico, I was considering that it might have been a sign to visit home. I didn’t pay too much attention to it but I just found the number interesting.
Some years later I started a podcast called “Get Real” where I would speak spontaneously without thinking of time. My friend Pete helped and pointed out that each week I was speaking for 47 minutes. In that moment I felt to look up the spiritual meaning of this number. The message that I got at that time was that everything was aligned in my life and everything was heading in the right direction spiritually, that the angels were very happy and were cheering me on telling me to keep moving with the divine flow. I found this symbol very comforting and encouraging.
Then I started seeing 47 more and more. When I was seemingly making important decisions the number would appear. I felt it was Jesus in my life reassuring me that everything was okay. It would also appear when I was going through healing, again bringing me comfort of the angels cheering me on that I was not alone in the times of dismantling.
Some time went by and I met Nana. I told her about the number 47 and then we started experiencing this number together. We would have so many synchronicities around it and so much joy with them. When we were in Georgia trying to get to a specific place but not knowing in which direction to go, all of a sudden we would see 47, we would follow it and it always led us to our destination. These experiences deepened my trust in my experiences with Jesus.
During my travels, whenever I would have a doubt about the direction I was going, right away 47 would appear and I would know it was Jesus saying that everything was in alignment with his guidance. To this day the number 47 still appears and seemingly guides me.
47 has been in my life for so long that now it is clear, it is pointing me to the unreality of this world. I feel that it is the symbol of the awareness of dreaming and that things are never what they seem to be. It is a doorway pointing me not to the symbol but to the gateway of eternity. When the number appears now, it is for me to remember the divine, to join in the universal flow of true life. It reminds me that this is not my home; it points to my real Home beyond perception. Like all symbols in the end they have no meaning but while we are on this journey, we can’t be reminded enough that the awakening is the only game there is.